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E-Mail journal

The E-Mail journal provides a list of E-Mails which have been successfully sent using the integrated E-Mail client. The E-Mail journal allows to open and to view every E-Mail write protected. The list consists of all files with the extension ".lm_email" from the default E-Mail folder which has been configured in the Options dialog.

The table of sent E-Mails provides the following information:
  • File name
  • Sent on
  • Callsign
  • Contest

    You can open the selected E-Mail with a double-klick. A dialog appears that looks similar to the "Send E-Mail" dialog. As against to the send dialog, there can nothing be edited here. Even the contents are the same, except of the upper area which is called "E-Mail data" now and conatins information about file name, send date, callsign and contest.

    Menu: File | E-Mail journal
    Keyboard: Ctrl+E

    See also
    Send log by E-Mail